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Cologne Nightlife

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Another big thing is the Cologne Nightlife. In other words, its pubs.

You really must do a pub-5840374944558242 Cologne without doing a pub-5840374944558242 eating a soup without water! wink

Go down to the very old part of downtown, which is close to the Rhine river, and go from pub to pub. You will see, there are a lot of really nice ones.

One of my favourites is Papa Joe's Jazzlokal located in the street called Buttermarkt No. 37. It's a footwalk of 3 minutes from cathedral.

It is extremely small and absolutely fascinating! On almost each and every evening they have "life concert." Yes, right. On two tiny square meters a band is playing. Mostly 3 people; drums, guitar and voice. It's almost unbelievable if you haven't seen it yet with your own eyes, but it's possible. smile

Order some "Kölsch" (Cologne Beer, there are actually 29 sorts of "Kölsch"), eat those nuts, and have a lot of fun you will never forget.

More details on the Cologne Nightlife and Papa Joe's Jazzlokal are right here.

Oh, one more insider tip regarding the Cologne Nightlife: Go to the street called Hohenzollernring house number 88. There is a really cosy Austrian restaurant called Kaiserschmarrn.

What it specifically has is very nice cosy seats (you will feel what I mean when you go there) and the original Kaiserschmarrn. My dictionary tells me it's a cut-up and sugared pancake with raisins. So you know what I mean, don't you?

Anyway, I haven't found a Kaiserschmarrn made better than there anywhere else.


Special Tip!Want even more Insider Tips? No problem. Here's an article that covers the Cologne Nightlife with my Top 10 Bars & Restaurants. Enjoy!

Well, that's it for now about Cologne. Now go back to German Cities and pick another city you'd like to walk through.

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Germany Travel > Country > German Cities > Cologne > Cologne Nightlife