Germany Travel > Country

Germany — The Country

"Germany is so clean!" I have been told several times from people and friends who have been travelling to Germany in their past.

Not that we just have the "Munich Oktoberfest," the "Neuschwanstein Castle," the "Reeperbahn in Hamburg," or the "Brandenburg Gate" in Berlin alone. Germany has a bunch of other things too.

For example, have you ever heard of "Joe's Jazz Kneipe" in Cologne? Or do you know about the "Tropfsteinhöhle Schulerloch" (Stalagmite Cavern) in Bavaria?

If not, grab your favourite beverage, sit down and relax. Surf around here, click on whatever you want, and grab my Smart Travel Guide (the STG Newsletter). In it I'm going to give you guidance and advice on how to Travel to Germany the Smart Way. Included are various tips and tricks that you can take with you. For example, there are many different choices for Munich hotels when your traveling in Germany. We can help you make the right choice!



German Cities & Towns

German Cities — Not Only During The Day Amazing

If you drive through Germany and explore our German cities and towns, you will experience that many cities are scattered throughout the country. We have, however, large German cities like Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, and Cologne. We even give tips on the best things to do and places to stay in each. Take the time to look around......[read more...]

STG Newsletter!

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Hotel Search

Hotel Search Germany

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Train Tickets

Get Well-Priced Train Tickets Today — And Enjoy Your Train Travel!

German Rail is incredibly fast, reliable, secure, and fascinating. Make sure to get well-priced tickets, though! [more...]

Germany Travel > Country