Germany Travel > Country > Train Travel Germany

Would You Enjoy Train Travel Germany With Caution?

"I'm on my first Train Travel Germany, and five minutes ago I felt bored. Now I'm so excited that I never want to go out of this irresistible train again!"

Take one of our high-speed trains and you will explore this country at its fastest, most exciting and wildest way — you won't find in any other country in such a way.

You might think I'm silly, and you're right! Come with me on a joyride to find out what you have to do to take a Train Travel through Germany and get impressions and feelings you might not think of right now, but it will literally blow your hairs away.

It depends on where you're from, but... you have to realize that we have a 'huge' country (just kidding).

Okay, let's move on now...

Car or train?

Just let us take a view at the expense though. How does the train travel Germany stand in the comparison to the car drive? Is it more expensive? Cheaper? It completely depends on the requirements of flexibility. Also to consider is what distance you want to accomplish at your time in Germany. What do you want to discover? Will you often travel at or through the nights? Do you need the flexibility of a car? Would you like to enjoy the relaxed, stress-free travel of our ICE "high-tech-high-speed" train?


After all (in 87% of the cases), you can count on the punctuality. And punctuality is a train also, if he's 5 minutes too late. These are mostly "ridiculous" 5 minutes, whose are caught up till the next stop. However, for many Germans, these 5 minutes are often not punctual enough. In such way one grumbler is always there.

You know, "German Thoroughness and Discipline"...

Anyhow, you can plan your train travel Germany routes very well with our trains.

Route network

The route network is real impressing! The trains travelling Germany very professional, luxury and full of beautiful people. wink It is one of the leading in the whole wide world (based on the route network). I describe it gladly as "route network New York — German wide."

You find literally in each city and in each village the possibility for a train travel Germany. Regionally with rapid-transit railway, regional train and Regional express. Country-wide with IC (InterCity), EC (EuroCity), and ICE (InterCityExpress). And this train is worth to mention separately!


Enjoy Your Train Travel Germany With The ICE
ICE Train

Train Travel Germany with the ICE — that is the most impressing thing you will experience as an transportation. Imagine, you drive... no you FLY with 300km/h (186mi/h) through and over the country - and you will not notice that! Hmm...ok, you notice it - by looking at your watch. 165km (102mi) in just 34 minutes.

Can you imagine that? Would you like to stretch your head out of the window during the train travel Germany 'flight'? This train corresponds to the all-newest technology which you find on the world market. Recently, there is even the integrated slope technology in a particular version of the new ICE (does only travel on particular railways). What is that and what does this slope technology?

In Germany, there are still some winding distances, which are unsuitable for "normal speed" trains; and they provide funky loud noises. With the slope technology in some of the new versions of the new ICE, the train leans in curves. Quite frankly, you probably think of Disneyland now. Missed, but not completely, because it could happen that you start to say "oops."

Just make sure that someone snaps a photo of you during your "oops."

Get Your Well-Priced ICE Ticket For Your Train Travel Germany Today!


It is usually concealed or is not at all realized that the red-carpet treatments in Germany are an experience! Each day, more and more main stations are being reconditioned and maintained. Mostly it is certain that they keep its external façade their nostalgic touch and build its interior top modern.

Two stations you absolutely must see: Leipzig Hauptbahnhof (the top station! A marvellous shopping center had been integrated. Simultaneously, the nostalgic and history were preserved and "intensified") Berlin (the Lehrter station is a gigantic attraction!)

Now I wish you a precious train travel through this amazing country!

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Special Tip!

Special Tip!

Train travel Germany without tickets is nearly impossible. After intense research I found a company that provides very well-priced tickets. Here's a selection of what they have...

German Rail PassGerman Rail Pass — This one is considered as the standard. It provides a cheap train travel through Germany.

Multiple Country Passes — There are a range of passes for several countries. Pick one that fits best.

Eurailpass — With this one you gain a flexible travel throughout 17 countries.

Eurail Flexipass — With more flexibility than with Eurailpass.

Eurail Saver Pass — Same like the Eurailpass but cheaper if you travel not alone.

German Rail Youthpass — Under 26? Great! Then take this one.

Eurail Germany and Denmark Youthpass — Under 26 and wanna travel through Germany and Denmark? Pick this one.

Eurail Germany and Benelux Youthpass — And that one if you'd rather travel through Germany and Benelux (Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg).

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Germany Travel > Country > Train Travel Germany