Germany Travel > Country > German Castles

German Castles And Residences

...and some photos of our German castles you'll find here on my page.

German Castles, hundreds of years old, we have plenty of them. You did know that, didn't you?

Did you further know that Germany has a very long history? Of course. Okay, and did you know, that Germany has and has had some interesting poets, thinker and scientists?

Yeah, and did you further know, that some of them built incredible buildings, castles, residences and palaces?

We have more than 20,000 of them here in Germany and some castles are so awesome and historical, that you might like to get to know them, right?

I'm going to show you some of my favourite ones here on this page. You have read my two articles German Castles – 4 of the most incredible ones – Part I&II and are interested (or hot?) to see some pictures of them?

Ooookay, here they are...

Heidelberg Castle — Huge And Medieval

Heidelberg Castle
Heidelberg Castle

Heidelberg Palace is one of the most important German cultural monuments. As a residence of the Palatinate electors from the 13th to the 18th century, it experienced a magnificent and eventful history. Periods of expansion were followed by those of devastation. The palace buildings with the greatest artistic importance were built during the Renaissance. Since the 19th century Heidelberg has been famous the world over for the romantic appearance of its palace ruins and attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors every year.

For further information visit

Schwetzingen Castle

Always Beautiful Schwetzingen Castle
Schwetzingen Castle

The origins of Schwetzingen Palace lie in a small knightly water palace and extend over an eventful history up to its greatest period of courtly splendor under the government of Elector Carl Theodor (1724-1799). The then summer residence lies in the midst of a complex of palace gardens unequalled in all of Europe. Today it still invites visitors to take a walk through the cultural epochs of the 17th and 18th centuries.

For further information visit

Stuttgart New Castle

Incredibly Huge New Castle In Stuttgart [Photo: Stuttgart Marketing GmbH]
Stuttgart New Castle

The New Palace (Neues Schloss) in Stuttgart was built in 1746 as a representative baroque residential palace for Duke Carl Eugen von Württemberg. After over sixty years of construction with repeated interruptions, the interior and exterior were completed in 1807. It served as a residence and representative palace of the Württemberg dukes and kings, and following its partial destruction in World War II has been used for the ministerial administration and by the state of Baden-Württemberg for representative occasions.

For further information visit

Ludwigsburg Palace

Ludwigsburg Castle/Palace

The Ludwigsburg Palace is one of Europe's largest baroque residences. It was built by order of Duke Eberhard Ludwig von Württemberg (ruled 1693-1733). The Palace was at times one of the most magnificent courts in Europe, however also experienced periods of neglect lasting several generations. Today it is the focus of interest of hundreds of thousands of visitors.

For further information visit

Rastatt Palace

Rastatt Palace
Rastatt Palace

Rastatt Palace, the oldest baroque residence on the Upper Rhine, has been completely preserved since being built from 1700 to 1707. Margrave Ludwig Wilhelm von Baden, the so-called "Türkenlouis" (Turkish Louis) had the magnificent building in the broad Rhine valley designed based on the French model Versailles. The tasks of his architect Domenico Egidio Rossi also included the planning of the garden and town. Today the representative complex is accessible to visitors as an example of pure baroque architecture.

For further information visit


That's it for now.

Go to if you want more information on German Castles. It's a Web site with a lot more information than I currently provide. wink

Special Tip!One of my friends created a Guide to Castles of Europe and writes about German Castles too. He invites you to visit some of Europe's most picturesque, mysterious and notorious castles. So, check that out, too!

Now, enjoy your time in our German Castles and Residences!

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Germany Travel > Country > German Castles