Hamburg Speicherstadt — Fascinating Illuminations

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The historical Speicherstadt is the largest warehouse complex in the world, and one of Hamburg's landmarks and indisputably sightseeing highlights.

The century-old Speicherstadt is located in the Free Port between the Deichtorhallen and Baumwall.

It was built at the turn of the century in red brick (typical for northern Germany) with gabled roofs and small towers, which are beautifully reflected in the canals they border. You should plan to go on a harbour tour to see all the details.

Now you can experience a very special highlight: The old Speicherstadt is getting lighted in the night. So amazing! This way, buildings, bridges and canals can be explored in the dark.

Hamburg Speicherstadt During The Night [Photo:]
Speicherstadt By Night

And the illumination makes the warehouse complex an impressing place of mystery and dream. Discover this important piece of Hamburg — and be enchanted...

Experience the other attractions of the warehouse complex... The Hamburg Dungeon, the Spice Museum, the super-submarine U-434, the Miniature Wonderland, the exhibition Dialogue in the Dark and the famous Hamburg Jedermann, an open-air theater.

Special Tip!Take a nocturnal boat tour through the Speicherstadt. And there is a Captain. His name is Prüsse, and he takes off daily from Landungsbrücken. Inform yourself in advance, though, if ebb and flow allow a tour and when it starts.

Illuminations... historical U-434... after such amazing discoveries, is there even more to discover in Hamburg? Yes, indeed. The unforgettable and unique Fish Market is our next stop! smile

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