Saxony (Sachsen) — Where History Meets Technology

Saxony (Sachsen) is a free State of the Federal Republic of Germany.

It is located in the south-eastern corner of reunified Germany, between Poland, the Czech Republic and the four German states of Bavaria, Thuringen, Saxony- Anhalt and Brandenburg.

Nowadays, Saxony is smaller than most of its neighbours, but was once one of the largest, wealthiest and most influential of the German kingdoms. It was only cut down to its current size following the rise of its rival, Prussia, in the Napoleonic wars of the 19th century.

Sachsen is very popular with West German, Swiss and Austrian tourists, but non-German speakers haven't really discovered it yet.

In summer, one of the most seductive destinations is the national park known as Saxon Switzerland, or Saxon Bohemian-Switzerland since it stretches from Dresden along the river Elbe into the Czech Republic. It is nowhere near Switzerland, but gained its name because two Swiss painters first made it famous.

Saxony boasts a number of beautiful cities with a number of beautiful buildings, opera, art, architecture, castles, gardens and also a wide array of sceneries here hiking and nature trails abound.

Visitors to this state cannot leave the temptation of adopting the elegant lifestyle of this beautiful region and enjoy feeling so much a part of the history and culture of Saxony.

This is evident from the fact that travellers to this region start wearing hats, lapel pins and carrying umbrellas that say: 'Ich bin ein Saxist' (I am a Saxist), capturing the humor and the spirit of the resilient Saxons.

Hofkirche, the Catholic Church, which faces the Elbe, is an eye- catching building that is about 83 meters high. It has a high nave and is framed by 78 statues of three-meter-high saints.

It represents a piece of history of this state. Its construction in the mid 18th century was related to the conversion of Frederick Augustus I, prince elector of Sachsen who was dubbed Augustus the Strong, to Catholicism in order to become the King of Poland. When Augustus the Strong died his body was laid to rest in the crypt of Krakow cathedral but his heart was buried in Hofkirche.

Dresden, the capital city of Saxony also has a number of old buildings. Bruehl Terrace is a favorite place for both locals and tourists since from this large square you can enjoy a wonderful panoramic view of Dresden, where harmony of nature and old architecture meets.

A slow flowing Elbe where boats transporting tourists float by and a surrounding complex of beautiful baroque architecture. No wonder Goethe, a prominent German poet, once said that Bruehl Terrace is the Balcony of Europe.

The pedestrians that throng Bruehl Terrace also attract street artists who earn money by street theater or playing musical instruments.

Saxony (its German name is Sachsen) experienced a lot after the German reunification. Go there and then tell me your own Saxony story for other STG readers to see! smile

Thanks in advance!


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Map of Germany Showing Position of Saxony (Sachsen) [Image:]

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