
The Saarland is one of the smallest of Germany's federal states. It's close proximity to France and Luxembourg gives it a unique look and feel. It is not very touristy but well worth visiting, especially if you like hiking and unique cuisine.


The Saarland (French: Sarre) is a federal state in the south-west of Germany. It adjoins Rheinland-Pfalz in the north and the east. In the South, it adjoins the French  Département Moselle and the Lorraine (Lothringen) region and Luxembourg in the west. Saarland is the smallest of Germany's area states and has the 2nd lowest population after Bremen. Together Lothringen, Luxembourg, the German state Rheinland-Pfalz and the Belgian region Wallonia, it forms the Saar-Lor-Lux area.

The highest mountain is the Dollberg with over 695 meters height. It's located north of the village Nonnweiler. The second highest mountain is the Schimmelkopf with over 694 meters height.

The best known mountain is the Schaumberg. At  569 meters, it's not very high but you'll have a great view because the surrounding area is very level. If you visit the Saarland, make sure to visit the observation platform on the Schaumberg.

One third of Saarland's surface is covered with deciduous mixed woodland. That makes it one of Germany's federal states with the highest percentage of green areas. The longest river is the Blies. Other important rivers are the Saar, Mosel, Prims, Nied and Nahe. The Saarland is one of the warmest areas in Germany.


The Saarland was formed 1920 as „Saargebiet“ (Saar area) as result of the treaty of Versailles. It was separated from the German Reich and was controlled by the League of Nations. The „Saargebiet“ was smaller than the Saarland is today. In 1935, people were allowed to vote whether or not they'd like to become part of Germany again. This option got 90% of all votes and so it became part of the Third Reich. After the 2nd World War, Saarland became a part of France. Then, in 1947 it became an autonomous area called „Saarprotektorat“. Following another plebiscite in 1955, Saarland became a part of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1957. On July 6,1959 (a day referred to as Day-X), the Deutsch-Mark was introduced in the Saarland.

Saarländisch” - Dialects

The Saarland has many different dialects. Too many too list them here.

But here are some examples, that could come in handy when you travel the Saarland.

Arwet – German: „Arbeit“; to work

Ballawer – comes from the portugese word „Palavra“ but has a different meaning. The Saarlander uses it to describe a man-made situation that is denoted as very noisy.

Dabber – German: schnell; fast. Comes from the German word for being brave („tapfer“).

Ebbes – German: „etwas“ (something).

Flemm – means being depressed. Comes from the french term „avoir la flême“ (to loaf).

Freck – means any kind of flu. Comes from the German word „verrecken“ (to kick the bucket).

Zores – Problems.


All the best,


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