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German Facts Revealed!

On this page I will provide some German Facts.

Germany (Deutschland), or Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland), is Europe's largest economy, most populous nation, and located in the center of the European continent.

It is one of the world's leading industrialist countries and in the G9 Country Union. Germany is a founding member of the European Union and forces the progress of the European uniting process.

German currency is the Euro (EUR — since January 1st, 2002).

For a long story about our history and how all came together, visit my other page about the German History Timeline.

More German Facts: Political Parties in Germany are the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), the Christian Social Union, but only in Bavaria (CSU), the Social Democratic Party (SPD), the Alliance '90/Greens (Bündnis 90/Grüne), the Free Democratic Party (FDP), and the Party of Democratic Socialism, which was common in the GDR (PDS).

If you'd like to get kind of a political or historical overview, I refer to my other page about German's History Timeline.

Transport Infrastructure In Germany

Germany has a total of 231,400km (143,785mi) in Highways, whereby 12,000km (7,457mi) as the world famous "Autobahn." At some parts on the Autobahn you can drive as fast as you and/or your car can ;-) German cars are limited at up to 255km/h (155mi/h).

If you would like to drive faster, I recommend driving a Porsche, or in our Highspeed-Train ICE which drives 300km/h (186mi/h) on the railway from Frankfurt/Airport up to Cologne.

Further more, Germany has Railway lines of 43,800km (27,216mi), and Waterways of 7,500km.

But for now, a few more German Facts, numbers, and data. The information in the tables below are provided by the Federal Statistical Office Germany. Basically, it will tell you about the population of Germany and its States, and some more details.

Inhabitants by citizenship
Summary 82,531,700
Germans 75,189,900
Foreigners 7,341,800
...including people from:*
=> Turkey 1,877,700
=> Italy 601,300
=> Yugoslavia 568,200
=> Greece 354,600
=> Poland 326,900
=> Croatia 236,600
=> Austria 189,500
=> USA 112,900
=> Macedonia 61,000
=> Slovenia 21,800


Inhabitants by regional breakdown km² Capital
Summary 82,531,700 357,030 Berlin
North Rhine-Westphalia 18,080,000 34,084 Düsseldorf
Bavaria 12,432,000 70,549 Munich
Baden-Württemberg 10,693,000 35,752 Stuttgart
Lower Saxony 7,993,000 47,618 Hannover
Hesse 6,089,000 21,115 Wiesbaden
Saxony 4,321,000 18,414 Dresden
Rhineland-Palatinate 4,059,000 19,847 Mainz
Berlin 3,388,000 892 Berlin
Schleswig-Holstein 2,823,000 15,763 Kiel
Brandenburg 2,575,000 29,477 Potsdam
Saxony-Anhalt 2,523,000 20,445 Magdeburg
Thurinia 2,373,000 16,172 Erfurt
Hamburg 1,734,000 755 Hamburg
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 1,732,000 23,174 Schwerin
Saarland 1,061,000 2,569 Saarbrücken
Bremen 663,000 404 Bremen

Special Tip!For more German Facts, statistics, and reports visit, the official website of the FSOG.


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