Germany Travel > Vacation > Hostels Germany

Marvellous Hostels in Germany

Hostels Germany — Would you like to spend the night at the most beautiful, most exciting and most unforgettable places?

Would you like to constantly receive TOP Insider Tips from natives, whose are really well versed — and this totally free of charge?

Would you like to save 50 to 80% of your usual overnight expenses?

If you answered one or all above questions with "YES", read on. wink

Did you know that the youth hostels were "invented" in the year 1909 by Richard Schirrmann, Germany? Did you further know that ever more adult and "smart" people firmly build hostels into their travel planning to get hold of the benefit from advantages which they would not receive with usual hotels?

The hostels in Germany offer far more to you than an low-priced accommodation.

Getting to know each other and intercultural meetings are motivating again and again not only grades, groups of children and young people, but also families, seminar organizers and many interested single travellers to consciously experience their spare time in a youth hostel.

Tolerance towards the other one, the helpfulness, open dialogue, and a strong environmental awareness make the hostels in Germany for its guests an unusual and experience-rich destination.

If you still mean that the youth hostel life from today is an old hat, you will find land up and land down sufficient proofs how versatile and unusually it can be to spend the nights in Germany hostels. Beside small cosy old buildings or the experience in castles and residences you also find many houses in scenic delightful environments as well as in large cities.

At first sight it has even the appearance at some, that it would be a 5-star luxury hotel. But after all if you ask for the conditions you experience that you have been landed in a fantastically beautiful youth hostel and will feel at ease in the time of your stay.

Special Tip!Whatever you are looking for — be it conference atmosphere, sport possibilities, school experiences without classroom, or a particularly for families co-ordinated equipment — with the hostels in Germany you will find an adequate location for you.

By the way between youth hostels and schools exists a long active tradition. You find more on this on my page about the actual developed history of the youth hostels Germany.

Anyhow, it is important for them that they do not only offer touristic attractions. The youth hostels attach above all also importance to obtain conscious travel. The social, economic and ecological consequences of a blind mass tourism are very conscious to them. Therefore, there you will still get expert consultation and insider knowledge, and all this free of charge. Fits somehow also to my site concept wink

Good. Many hostels in Germany are located at places, from which you can discover many beautiful things. If it is on a mountain from which you have a fantastic view, or in the country, where you can get to know the very German life, or in the middle of a city, where you find many expensive hotels around the corner. From these youth hostels you do not only have a much more favourable accommodation. Besides that you are in the exact same area the expensive hotel is. Thereby you can admire the attractive and historical objects of interest, which these cities offer to you.

There are even youth hostels with extensive wellness supply! By some I am inclined to call them Secret Resorts.

If you however attach great importance to comfort, you should better book your accommodation in a hotel. In the youth hostels often no or little service is offered. Service you usually get in hotels.

Moreover there are lodgings which offer overnight stays only for humans up to 26 years. That is, they proverbially concentrate on the youth. You will find however sufficient others in which also a cosy bed to adults is offered.

Today we have youth hostels in the whole world (I even had the time of my life in the hostel of New York City!). You will however feel that the actual origin is developed in Germany.

Now still a few numbers of Germany Hostels: world-wide there are more than 4,000 youth hostels in 65 countries, whereby more than 600 alone in Germany. You need a membership card in order to be able to stay overnight there, which costs only 20 EUR per year and is world-wide valid! More than half of the 1.7 million members in Germany are adults. The average cost per night is somehow between 10 and 25 EUR. So you save a lot of money, don’t you?

For further information on hostels in Germany, visit the official website of the German Youth Hostel Association.

I wish you a lot of fun with your journeys!

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Germany Travel > Vacation > Hostels Germany